
Create a giftcard with native tokens

Giftcard contract allows users to create a transactions to lock assets into the smart contract, which can be redeemed by any user.

Creating a giftcard will mint a token and send the assets to the contract. While redeeming will burn the token and send the assets to the redeemer.

There are 2 actions (or endpoints) available to interact with this smart contract:

  • create giftcard
  • redeem giftcard

Install package

First you can to install the @meshsdk/contracts package:

Initialize the contract

To initialize the contract, we need to initialize a provider, MeshTxBuilder and MeshGiftCardContract.

Both on-chain and off-chain codes are open-source and available on Mesh Github Repository.

Create Giftcard

createGiftCard() create a gift card. The function accepts the following parameters:

  • tokenName (string) - name of the token
  • giftValue (Asset[]) - a list of assets

The function returns a transaction hash if the gift card is successfully created.

The function returns a transaction hex if giftcard has been created successfully.

Create Giftcard

Create a gift card with a given amount of lovelace

Connect wallet to run this demo

No wallets installed

Redeem Giftcard

redeemGiftCard() redeem a gift card. The function accepts the following parameters:

  • giftCardUtxo (UTxO) - unspent transaction output in the script

The function returns a transaction hash if the gift card is successfully redeemed. It will burn the gift card and transfer the value to the wallet signing this transaction.

The function returns a transaction hex if the gift card has been redeemed successfully.

We have provided a very handle function, getUtxoByTxHash, which will return the UTxO object for a given transaction hash. You can always create another function that searches by token name.

Redeem Giftcard

Redeem a gift card given the gift card UTxO

Connect wallet to run this demo

No wallets installed