Hydra Provider (beta)

Layer 2 scaling solution for Cardano that increases transaction throughput and ensures cost efficiency while maintaining security.

The Hydra Head protocol is a layer 2 scaling solution for Cardano rooted in peer-reviewed research that increases transaction throughput and ensures cost efficiency while maintaining rigorous security.

Get started:

Connect Hydra Head

Connects to the Hydra Head. This command is a no-op when a Head is already open.

Connect Hydra Head

Connect a new Head.

Initializes a new Hydra Head

Initializes a new Head. This command is a no-op when a Head is already open and the server will output an CommandFailed message should this happen.

Initializes Hydra Head

Initializes a new Head.

Commit to Hydra Head

Commit a particular UTxO to the head. This will make the UTxO available on the layer 2.

Commit to Hydra Head

Commit a utxo to the hydra head

Aborts a head

Aborts a head before it is opened. This can only be done before all participants have committed. Once opened, the head can't be aborted anymore but it can be closed using: `Close`.

Aborts a head

Aborts a head before it is opened.

New Transaction

Submit a transaction through the head. Note that the transaction is only broadcast if well-formed and valid.

You can also the await provider.submitTx(signedTx) method to submit a signed transaction.

The newTx method accepts the following arguments:

Here is an example of how to create a transaction using the Hydra provider, Mesh wallet and Mesh transaction builder:


Request to decommit a UTxO from a Head by providing a decommit tx. Upon reaching consensus, this will eventually result in corresponding transaction outputs becoming available on the layer 1.

The decommit method accepts the following arguments:

Close Hydra Head

Terminate a head with the latest known snapshot. This effectively moves the head from the Open state to the Close state where the contestation phase begin. As a result of closing a head, no more transactions can be submitted via NewTx.

Close Hydra Head

Terminate a head with the latest known snapshot.


Challenge the latest snapshot announced as a result of a head closure from another participant. Note that this necessarily contest with the latest snapshot known of your local Hydra node. Participants can only contest once.


Challenge the latest snapshot announced.


Finalize a head after the contestation period passed. This will distribute the final (as closed and maybe contested) head state back on the layer 1.


Finalize a head after the contestation period passed.

Listens for new messages from Hydra node

Listens for new messages from Hydra node. The callback function will be called with the message as the only argument. Check all events emitted by the Hydra node.

The callback function is typed, so you can access the message properties directly.

Fetch Address UTxOs

Fetch UTxOs controlled by an address.

Optionally, you can filter UTXOs containing a particular asset by providing asset, where it is the concatenation of policy ID and asset.

Fetch Address UTxOs

Fetch UTxOs from address

Fetch UTxOs with Asset

Fetch UTxOs from address with asset

Fetch Protocol Parameters

Fetch the latest protocol parameters.

Optionally, you can provide an epoch number to fetch the protocol parameters of that epoch.

Fetch Protocol Parameters

Fetch protocol parameters of the blockchain by epoch

Fetch UTxOs

Get UTxOs for a given hash.

Optionally, you can specify the index of the index output.

Fetch UTxOs

Fetch UTxOs given hash

Submit Transaction

Submit a serialized transaction to the network.