
Here are proposals that we have submitted to Project Catalyst and its progress.

Cardano Service Layer Framework for DApps

R&D a framework to quickly spin up a service layer for specific Cardano DApps, allowing DApps to re-use all infrastructure such as contracts and MeshJS, while possible for custom protocol parameters.

    • Parallel Cardano Blockchain MeshJS Integration
    • Customized Protocol Parameters
    • Persistent Record & Immutability
    • Framework DevOps
    • Documentation and training materials
    Mesh New Features to Improve Developer experience and Cardano Adoption

    We will upgrade Mesh by implementing CIP 45, WebRTC wallet connect, handle multiple serialization libs, revamp to support backend transactions building, and improve error messages to improve DevXP.

      • CIP 45
      • Mesh application wallet
      • Modular CSL library
      • Improve error messages
      • Wallet support for private blockchain networks (e.g. Yaci)
      Mesh Software as a Service

      We provide hosted server instances for wallet and transactions builder by restful APIs, this allow integration and interaction to Cardano blockchain from any technology stacks and systems.

        • Cloud infrastructure and transaction endpoints
        • Upgrade Mesh SDK to support SaaS
        • Hosted wallet / private key for signing
        • User-defined transaction building
        • JSON schema for transaction
        Maintaining Mesh SDK, community support and content creation to onboard developers

        Maintenance and operations of Mesh SDK, community support and content creation, in order to onboard developers and users to the Cardano blockchain ecosystem.

          • Provide community support
          • Resolve GitHub issues
          • Create tutorials and documentation
          • Create workshops and live coding sessions
          Aiken Open-Source Smart Contract Library
          In ProgressFund11

          We create a collection of open-source smart contracts with Aiken (including Workspace, Mesh TX builder components) and integrate them into the Mesh SDK library on Github - open and accessible to all.

          • Marketplace contract
          • Escrow contract
          • Vesting contract
          • Gift card contract
          • Coupon bond guaranteed contract
          • Content ownership contract
          • Advanced contract #2
          • Advanced contract #3
          • Bad examples
          Sustain & Maintain MeshJS
          In ProgressFund11

          This proposal enables implementations not limited to Voltaire features, Hydra & Aiken integration, and data providers integrations. Including bounties for issues, features, and learning materials.

          • Lower-level APIs completed
          • Technical documentation released
          • Resolved numerous reported GitHub issues
          • Active Discord engagement to help developers
          • Transaction building support for Hydra apps
          • Plutus version 3 integration
          • Revamped/refactored transaction and utilities class
          • Conway features
          Supporting Open-Source Library Development, Developer Resources & Builder Community
          In ProgressFund10

          To guarantee and ensure sustainability of a team dedicated to maintaining and developing one of the best open-source libraries on Cardano, providing devs with something easy-to-use, fun and productive.

          • Lower-level APIs core functionality
          • Mesh PBL course content
          • Workshops and live coding
          • Community Q&A support
          • Demos and tutorials repository
          • Mesh PBL Season #1
          • Student projects