Mesh Data

Parse and manipulate Cardano data with Mesh Data type

Mesh provides a full set of utility functions to help constructing the Mesh Datatype you need for your Cardano DApp.

Types Support

All utility functions start with the prefix of m and all types All the utility functions start with the prefix of m, and are designed to return a type with the same naming as the utilities function, with capitalizing first letter, you can build your data with type supports in complex types, some examples:

  • mConstr returns MConstr type
  • mBool returns MBool type

Utilities in Building Constructor Mesh Data

mConStr build the constructor object in Mesh Data type, with parameters:

  • alternative (number) - the constructor index
  • fields (any[]) - the constructor fields in array

There are also some quick utilities only taking in fields as parameters for 0 - 2 indices:

  • mConStr0 - building index 0 constructor
  • mConStr1 - building index 1 constructor
  • mConStr2 - building index 2 constructor

Building Mesh constructor object

Utilities in Building Primitives Mesh Data

mBool build the boolean object in , with parameters:

  • b (boolean | boolean) - the boolean to be built

For the rest of Cardano data primitives, they are represented by JS primitives:

  • Integer - number and bigint
  • Byte string - string
  • List - JS Array
  • Map - JS Map

Building Mesh bool object

Other Utilities

The code example showing above does not cover all utilities, please checkout the hosted documentation for more details. The not covered utilities are as below:

  • mAssetClass
  • mOutputReference
  • mTxOutRef
  • mTuple
  • mMaybeStakingHash
  • mPubKeyAddress
  • mScriptAddress